What Are The Pros And Cons Of Wood Windows?

Styles Of Window Replacement Nowadays, classic wood carpentry is no longer that popular, as modern materials are cheaper and efficient. However, eco-friendly trends and the people`s interest to return to natural things bring the wood to the forefront once more. Besides, when it comes to its aspect, wood is still largely considered the most beautiful material, due to its authenticity.

The technology behind the wood windows has also improved considerably, and today we have laminated wood carpentry – an option that meets the aesthetical and practical demands, being also environmentally friendly.  So if you are looking for window replacement Lincoln options, they are the style to choose.

Moreover, innovative solutions have begun to emerge in recent years: composite materials (wood and aluminum), offering both the beautiful aspect of wood and the extended life of aluminum.

Choosing wood windows can be a good option if you do it responsibly, by considering the different pros and cons of wood carpentry, as well as your own preferences and needs.

Advantages of installing wood windows in your home

  • Wood has a better durability compared to other materials
  • Wood is resistant to atmospheric, physical or mechanical aggression
  • The robustness of a wood profile provides safety
  • Very elegant appearance due to the warm and natural aspect of wood
  • The finish can be renewed periodically, by changing color at any time, which makes wood a versatile material
  • Wood frames are eco- friendly, the material is natural and contains no substances toxic to humans, unlike other profiles
  • Guaranteed thermal insulation – wood is a great barrier for air transfer, with highly appreciated energy efficiency
  • Wood “breathes”, which allows the regulation of humidity, translated into better indoor air quality and thermal comfort
  • Wood frames can provide maximum sealing if fabricated and installed properly
  • Wood windows will maintain their shape for decades, if they are properly maintained
  • Wood does not rust, nor corrode

Ultimately, having wood windows installed in your home is a statement. The tradition of using wood in construction dates back to antiquity, so it is a material that has definitely proven its properties.

Disadvantages of wood windows


  • Higher investment

Wood is more expensive than PVC, sometimes even up to 25-30%. This is because wood requires more laborious work (cutting, drying, stratification), and the carpentry thus obtained has a longer production time. Besides, wood is a natural resource. Each beneficiary must put these costs in balance with the other advantages of natural wood windows, before making their choice.


  • Regular maintenance requirements

To ensure increased durability over time, wood requires special maintenance, which is obviously more labor-intensive than in the case of PVC profiles. Besides regular cleaning, every few years, wood windows must be repainted or re-varnished, to ensure the protection of the material against moisture and prevent rot and degradation.


If we put in balance the pros and the cons, we can safely conclude that wood carpentry with thermo pan glass is definitely a choice worthy of consideration by homeowners who value aesthetics and comfort. It is an expensive addition in deed, but it will increase the curb appeal and the value of your home, while also providing great efficiency and durability.